Some Financial Advisers have shared a concern with me recently - because they don't understand the contemporary marketing world, they'd rather rely on the old ways than embrace any changes in how clients are contacted, engaged, and retained. But just like the obsolete computer disk, the old ways of communication are being abandoned by clients, consumers, prospects, and almost every other industry on the planet.

The impact of modern communications technology on the advertising, publishing, and travel industries has been fundamental, traumatic, and irreversible. But in order for the changes to be meaningful, the support of the consumer had to be enlisted. That this support has been, and continues to be, forthcoming, is evident by the success achieved by the online enterprises which have readily embraced the new technology.

For those advisers who wish to rely on the old ways - I wish them the very best of good fortune. I fear that they will need all the luck around as their clients are likely to be receiving a wave of smart messages and persuasive inducements to conduct their financial management affairs in a way to which those clients are now more accustomed -  that is, via email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc., etc.

For those who have embraced marketing by 21st century means, I suggest that the financial services advisory space is yours for the taking.

And there's a third group - those who would like to embark on the digital marketing journey, but are holding back through lack of conviction, knowledge, or belief in their own ability to make a fist of this brave new world.

For those advisers in this category, please open this link and read the thoughts of an experienced adviser in the real estate industry, and get a balanced view of the subject.

 Just as the concept of "innovators", "early adopters", "early/late majorities", and "laggards" segments how we respond to innovation and change in the graph below, so it applies to the financial adviser population.

My concern lies with those advisers who are in the "laggard" category regarding the means at their disposal to generate leads and keep the sales process funnel populated with 'suspects' and 'prospects'.



Simply embarking on an email campaign to contact existing clients will generate new opportunities. But here's a suggestion - make the experience enjoyable for the client.

Bog-standard emails - even given a touch up' with what's available in Windows can be pretty mundane. There are a number of firms around who will make your emails look great when they reach your clients' inbox, and I thoroughly recommend Livelink for this as excellent quality at a very reasonable price.

So with a little imagination and belief - and without being an internet geek - you can start to generate leads quickly, effectively, and at surprisingly little cost.

The future beckons so don't get left behind. Give the new ways a try - you'll be glad you did!!

Slàinte mhòr agad!


The Laird of Albany