Good News...........

Now that the news has been made public, it's worth spending a few minutes on Trevor Slater's appointment to Fairway Resolution.

Comment has been made before on this platform of Trevor's ability in the dispute resolution space, and his new role adds to the strength and depth of the resources within the organisation. His passion, drive, and expertise add a unique skill set to his new employer, and I wish him well in his new endeavours.

Full disclosure - I sit on the Advisory Board of Fairways Resolution, so my views may well be regarded as slanted, biased, and far from impartial - I'll leave others to pass judgment.

I can also be rightly accused of showing favour as, in my view, Trevor is one of the finest practitioners of his craft that I have encountered in 4 decades of operating in the financial services industry. If recognising and acknowledging excellence is a crime, then I plead guilty as charged - and proud of it!

Trevor's stint with IDS will have made both parties richer for the experience, and I'm sure Barry and Karen will wish Trevor well in his new position.

Fairways Resolution has a wealth of qualified experienced resources on board. Stuart Ayres laid solid foundations for a quality service organisation, and Jennifer Mahony has built on this to develop an offer to the industry which provides outstanding value for money.

I know many view membership of a dispute resolution service as a 'grudge purchase', but, much like insurance and good advice, it's prudent to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

For advisers and adviser entities, Fairways Resolution offers an outstanding value for money proposition.

All it takes now is for some bright CEO within the ranks of the product providers to see the light...........